There is something very special about knitting, especially when it is for your own small children, it is truly calming to sit down and wind the wool around the needles making it into something beautiful and practical. Once finished there are so many memories woven into the garment that it is more than worth all the effort.
I was determined to finish Ruby's cardigan in the Easter holiday and as I finally sewed it together was reminded of the many places in which it had been knitted. I vividly remember casting it on last October as a distraction while oldest boy was in the hospital waiting for an operation to mend his badly broken wrist, the front side was almost finished while he was being operated on and it was so good to concentrate on the wool and not my worry.
The cardigan took a long time to finish as there were many distractions along the way and it was not picked up again until Christmas, however knitting by the fire watching seasonal films with the children is another precious memory wrapped up in this little piece of clothing. More recently I took it along to the new monthly Saturday craft morning at church and have other good memories of chatting and catching up with friends whilst making, also a new motivation to actually complete it before the next crafty meet up!
I confess I had to get a little bit of help with the fiddly bits at the bottom, but that also makes it special, knowing my mum has played a part in making it as well.
I also made a little hat for a new baby girl who has just arrived safely in the world, it only took one evening, was very impressed with my speed!

If you are a local friend please do join us at our monthly craft cafe, it is such a lovely place to spend Saturday morning, either learning a new skill or just chatting and working on your own craft. Anyone is welcome, it is held in Stanmore Lane and the coffee is pretty good as well!