Today was the last day of school for this year, and with it came change. I have been working mainly with a year six class in a local village school this year and their last day of primary school is a curious mix of emotions: Happiness that they have reached a point of maturity and are equipped to take the leap from primary to secondary education, mixed with huge relief that they are able to move on as they have pretty much outgrown their small school. Sadness to see them depart, combined with joy at seeing the amazing people they are becoming and knowing in some small way you have been a part of the shaping and guiding process. That is only the teachers emotions, there were several sobbing parents at the leavers' assembly this morning.
Being a teacher is an immense privilege, the amazing feeling at being able to inspire and motivate children is what keeps you going on those days when the job feels never ending, usually a wet playtime day.
The picture above is me by a talented young artist in the class and was the chosen for the school website, her mum wrote a card to me today thanking me for "helping my daughter to have confidence in herself". I felt very overwhelmed and again thankful for the way in which my everyday job can have a big impact on a child's life. What a responsibility!
A very old photo - I must take some more pictures of this very english village |
It was a reflective day for me as I too am moving to another school and will miss the pretty Hampshire village and surrounding countryside. The kind words by parents meant so much; if you have a child at school do make an effort to thank their teachers as words are very much appreciated. Another emotional moment was the parents presenting me with beautiful gifts in assembly, being appreciated and thanked means a lot.
Continuing my emotional moments, I glanced at a pile of papers left by the printer and read the words my teacher husband spoke at a speech he gave about a leaving colleague this afternoon;
"As a teacher, always believe that you can change the lives of young people for the better. Be generous with your time and with your love....."
Have you ever had a teacher who changed your life for the better?