A little place to create: Space to make something new, a respite from the everyday rush. A small corner to safely store all those beautiful crafty bits and bobs including fabulous fabrics. The building work and subsequent rearranging of the house meant that finally I have my own crafty corner.
Welcome to my little place of inspiration and escape.
The gorgeous cupboard is doubly special as it was given to me by one friend ( it was her grandparents) but had been restored by the grandfather of another friend. I love how a simple piece of useful furniture can contain so many memories. It sits nicely in the corner holding all my lovely crafty items.
This little space of mine is home to lots of lovely pieces, the flower painting was done by my oldest girl at primary school. It reminds me of three favourite things; flowers, bright colours and my children.

I am surprising myself with a love of orange flowers at the moment; a framed piece of happy fabric, my gorgeous vase and my latest crafty venture, the lampshade.
I love my new happy lampshade so much. I was surprised at how quick and simple it was to make. using a vintage piece of fabric, which I am pretty sure started life as a duvet cover. It was from the seventies - does that make me vintage as well? A scary thought.
I used a lamp making kit similar to the ones
here and helpful step by step instructions from
here. I can see I will be making a lot more and as soon as I find the leftover fabric from the boys curtains I will be starting with a football lampshade for their room.
This little space which seems to be all my own, what a treat in a house of nine, has so many beautiful items including some very special cushions.
This super squishy one was made by a
lovely friend, I admire her taste so much I used her blog name for my babe (without realising it)!
This cushion, so special it has been placed far out of the reach of messy children and dark haired dogs sits neatly next to my vase of knitting needles (also placed high as they have been scarily used as weapons in the past). Made for my fortieth by the friend whose grandfather restored the cupboard, it is very precious. Not only because of the beautiful stitching and thought that had gone into the design, each petal reflecting one of my babies but the love and care that went into making such an amazing gift.
I truly love it and it makes me feel so happy every time I glance at it, which is a lot as I like to feel happy!
I have been spending a lot of time on pinterest recently, feeding a small baby has lots of benefits especially time to browse the net and not feel guilty. If you look at my
pins there are a lot of gorgeous craft rooms, maybe one day I can grab a few more corners and make a room. This room is on our summer holiday decorating list so soon it will look even nicer.
Do you have a special place to create?
If you have a crafty blog and have written about your craft space please do share it, I love looking at places where people create.