Sunday, 5 February 2012

snow in the south!

For once the weather forecast was right and  the first few flakes of snow started yesterday evening and we awoke to a  wonderful white covering.

The younger members of the family were excitedly out at first light enjoying the wonderful wet stuff.

Littlest lady was not that impressed and soon retreated back into the warm.

To save family harmony we need an outside judge to decide the best snowman.  Do you prefer the one on the snow plough  (top) or the one on the trampoline (above)?

Have a fun snowy day!


  1. Amazing just 20 minutes down the road and we have nothing! Ah each of those snowmen have their charm. The top one looks a little more sophisticated but who could resist the cute trampolining snowman. I think you're going to have to call it a draw.

  2. Impossible to choose! Both are charming in their own right. It must be a draw.

  3. They are both great but, just to throw a spanner in the works I'm going to say the one on the snow plough. It's the arms that won it for me! Suzy x

  4. Trampoline one has the edge but both lovely efforts. Think we need a bit more snow really, there isn't enough for a day off school sooo disappointed!

  5. I'm with Rustic Vintage country on that one! Hope we dont upset someone!

  6. Grace what a small world - my teaching career was mostly with Year 6!!!!!! I have some books and stuff if you are keen? Just e-mail me your address - denisebydesignda at google mail dot com


  7. Just stumbled across your blog, and both snowmen are very impressive, but the little guy has a lot of personality! Lovely blog...going to trawl through the rest and follow! x

  8. Lovely to see the little folk having such a good time. I must confess I was jumping up and down with glee just as much as the children yesterday morning when we woke up to 15cm of snow!

    Ooh I am hopeless at judging; both snowmen have their merits. I am very fond of the carrot nose though.

    Have a fun snowy week.

  9. how is the snow missing utah of all places? your pics make me miss it!


Thank you for your lovely comments, they really do brighten my day!