Wednesday, 11 April 2012

sunny colour

This morning I am loving all the colours and patterns on the draining board. The sun is streaming through the window and it all looks so bright and cheerful, a perfect welcome to a new day.

I am also very much looking forward to the dishwasher man arriving soon to mend our broken one.  Hopefully in time so we can enjoy this respite from the rainy hail!

What's the weather like in your part of the world today?


  1. Absolutely dreadful!! Pouring sideways today, however I cannot complain as it is normally very nice. Also must remember that Switzerland is so green for a reason, just like England. Love your very pretty photo - making the most of a draining board! x

    1. Hope your weather has improved? Happy Easter all xxxx

  2. Oh dear, the weather here is a crazy mixed bag. Sunny then rainy then miserable then sunny again...LOve the colours and patterns on your draining board too. xx

  3. We've had hailstones here today, though it's brightened up a bit now. Our dishwasher broke nearly a year ago. We got a man out but he couldn't repair it and we've kept meaning to look for a new one but just haven't got round to it. I'm quite enjoying the bit of washing up that I do though. Mick does the majority of it, and drying is one job which I insist on the kids doing, they'd do very little otherwise, so I'm in no hurry to buy a new dishwasher at the moment, though I'm sure we'll get round to it eventually.

  4. The weather here in Worcestershire has been fab. I was planning a quiet day of indoor activities and got pulled out into the the Spring air! Jx

  5. Now this my kind of post.....featuring a fab photo! Love it!

    The colours so pop!


  6. Washing out - it rained - washing in - sun out - washing out - rain - washing in .... played game 3 times and then gave up. Had a walk on the beach this morning and it was cold but fine and bracing. Love the colours of the mugs xx

  7. Hi Grace, typical sunny gorgeous weather this morning while I was at work, this afternoon, my half day, yes,you guessed it - rain! Still, it did clear up a bit later X

  8. Showers here today but not too many. Very grey skies though this afternoon and COLD! Loving the look of your crockery. Do I spot Cath Kidston and Emma Bridgewater?

  9. What a lovely, colourful photo! :-)
    The weather here today is pretty dull. The sky looks a bit threatening. I'd like to go out for a little walk later, so I hope it brightens up a bit.

  10. Hi Grace

    Thank you for your lovely message, this is why I love this blogging malarkey
    it is a great way to meet like minded people,
    windy a little chilly but some sunshine and blue skies typical Irish weather a bit of everything!

    Take care

    Not sure where my follower thingy has disappeared to!

  11. Hello and thank you for popping in.
    We've had thunder,lightening and hail here today and it doesn't look good for our holiday next week :0(
    I have that CK jug and spotty red mug too! Hope your dishwasher gets fixed soon.
    Take care and have a lovely weekend. :0)

  12. Your draining board looks so cheerful! Every broken dishwasher has a silver lining eh?!

  13. Hi Grace - it's cold, cloudy and showery here - hail yesterday afternoon! Hope you are well. I loved your previous post. Old advertisements and signs are so gorgeous, I love them particularly really old ones or kitsch 1950s ones. Looks like Richard Madeley selling Borax in his shop in one of the pics -lol x

  14. It was hailstony in the week but it's lovely and sunny at the moment. Hopefully it will stay that way because the grandchildren and due soon and they do love to bounce on the trampoline in the garden. Lots of love xxx


Thank you for your lovely comments, they really do brighten my day!