Friday, 5 July 2013

Using the Teapot

A cup of tea, time to step away from the happenings of the moment, to savour the ritual and enjoy the refreshment it brings. 

As with most things in life the temptation is to rush ahead and miss the tiny bit of happiness that comes with this moment of stillness.

Following a link posted by a friend yesterday I was inspired to blow the dust off my shelf of gorgeous teapots and enjoy their loveliness even more.  The author of the article rightly asks why we think nothing of making coffee in a cafetiere but seem to regard  making tea in a pot as difficult. 

I always make coffee  'properly' but  had forgotten how much nicer tea is in a pot.  Apparently better for the environment, certainly  cheaper and a far richer tea drinking experience, tea leaves are to be embraced.

Afternoon tea always needs something yummy to accompany it and as I was using the lemon anyway it seemed a shame not to try out a new flapjack recipe

As well as using all the usual flapjack ingredients this one also uses lemon.  Surprisingly it really works and they taste even more delicious.

Happy baby gurgled away in her pram, the sun is finally shining and it is almost the weekend.

Truly a happy moment, most certainly worth the minimal extra effort.

Do you use a teapot?


  1. Oh yes tea is so much nicer in a pot. I use my beautiful polish tea pot and make several pots a day. X

  2. I absolutely love afternoon tea and always come home thinking I must use my teapot more but never do! So today I made my tea (albeit with teabags) in a teapot and loved the feeling of endless supply of tea! I'm going to try and serve tea from a teapot more and get myself some leaves!

  3. I agree, tea does taste nicer in a pot. I love using my tea pot and have a little one like yours with the cup and saucer on the bottom which I love. Sounds like a lovely afternoon.
    M x

  4. I use my teapot here in Canada way more than I ever used it in England, nuts I know! You are so right it does taste so much better

  5. Despite the fact I have several teapots (including my 3 treasured Emma Bridgewater ones) I dont like tea and we never use the tea pots!! Its teabags for Tony i'm afraid!!

  6. Despite owning a lovely Emma Bridgewater tea pot with my name on it I hardly ever use it and am devoted to the tea bag in an mug method. I still love my tea pot though - it's very useful for keep mulled wine warm! x

  7. I always use a teapot, but I confess it has teabags in it. it makes them go further you see........ and then you get to use a tea cosy x

  8. I have to admit...not very often, but I do love to. I really must get into a habit.

    Nina x


Thank you for your lovely comments, they really do brighten my day!